
Free Amazon Seller Tool

Learn what it takes to make it in any category with an inside look at the prices, bestseller ranks, reviews, ratings, estimated sales, and more for any product on Amazon.

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Easily manage all of your research in one place with an ultra-organized dashboard packed with all the information you need to find money-making products.

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Accurate Sales Estimates

Our sales and revenue estimates are based on real figures from tens of thousands of live products. Project the profitability of any niche with confidence.

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Opportunity Score

Analyze the whole Amazon market and let you know what product is a good opportunity to make you dominate on Amazon. Our data-driven sales estimates show you exactly what’s selling on Amazon.

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Take The Guesswork Out Of 

The right product can make all the difference in your business, and the detailed info we provide you for any listing lets you be sure you’re setting yourself up for success.

Save Yourself Weeks Of Tedious Research

In AMZ takes just seconds to give you the metrics you want to see right inside your browser. Instead of wasting hours creating unmanageable spreadsheets that just lead to dead ends, move quickly from niche to niche until you lock in on the right opportunity.

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Sales Estimates

Monthly estimates based on real data from live Amazon listings.

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